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my muli

a unique storage system that works with several bags made out of felt.


see me at the
Cologne furniture fair
"I'm packing my luggage and take with me..."
my muli takes care of all your personal belongings. Fill all the bags with your stuff and close it to hide it inside your muli.

my muli is a new storage system that is based on the feelings and thoughts of the epoque of the romantic since we feel nowadays connections in some points to this decade.

In this furniture you can store all your personal belongings in a new way of how things can be treasured. The bags are easily connected with hook-and-loop-fastener on the wooden frame.

When the furniture is closed it does'nt really show what it's or how it is supposed to be used. By opening the side of the muli it presents its function. Now you can see all your treasures in the bags that can be very personal.




© Timo Flott

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